TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel

TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze

TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Řecko - Hotel
Velmi dobrý

We've just returned from TUI Blue Elounda Breeze following a week long stay as a family of 4 (2 adults with a 10 and 15 year old). There are lots of points of reference to go over so I'll try to keep it as short as possible. I would also like to say that this review is purely based on our own experience and is an accurate and honest reflection of our holiday. The GOOD bits; • Location - beautiful location, hillside, coastal, beautiful views. • Weather - not hotel related, but it was lovely, warm and sunny with only a couple of overcast days towards the end of the week. • Beach - although not an actual beach, it is a short 5 minute walk down to the coast where you can swim and snorkel in the sea (will go in to more detail in another section). • Pool area with slides - very good fun for myself and the girls, we spent lots of time flying down the slides with lots of other people enjoying themselves too. • Pools - 4 separate areas to choose from, plenty of sunbeds to go around. The NOT SO GOOD bits; • Hotel - overall, having paid €70 euro climate tax for an official 5* rating, we do not feel that this is justified and reflected in the hotel and facilities themselves. The setting and grounds are lovely, but everything else in general was lacking. We agreed that this would be 3* at best. • Rooms - generally the room was functional, and spacious, but basic and 3* at best (please read the following) We arrived at around 2am to a room (1109) which was in very poor condition and gave a very poor first impression. There were very clear areas of damage and poor repair, with certain areas in the bathroom around the shower and shower tray being unsafe. The room in general was in poor condition, very basic and tatty looking. The blinds over the windows didn't sit flush due to the window handles, therefore lots of light entered underneath the blinds and make it difficult to sleep, especially when the sun comes up in the morning. We requested another room which was arranged for the following day (no problems there, the staff were attentive and helpful) so we had to spend another night in room 1109 before we could move. As we knew we would be moving, we didn't want to unpack to have to repack prior to the move, so we ended up living our of the suitcases for a couple of days - not a great start to the holiday. The replacement room was a massive improvement in terms of condition, with a better layout, much more natural light and overall in much better condition. In general, the rooms are pretty basic. The beds in the bedroom were lovely and comfortable, but the 'sofa beds' are appalling. They are rock hard and very uncomfortable, but they were the same in both rooms so would assume that this is a common theme throughout the hotel. The is plenty of wardrobe space which we found catered easily for all 4 of our clothes and other bits and bobs, with a dressing table and bedside tables in the bedroom too, so again, no issues there. The bathroom was very big with plenty of space with a very long sink counter and large long mirror, which meant a couple of people could use the mirror to get ready of an evening, however there was a tiny hairdryer which is connect to the wall with limited mobility (poor). There is also no full length mirror in the room which albeit not a deal breaker, comes in handy when getting dressed or before leaving the room to see what you look like (I travelled with 3 women / girls who all take pride in their appearance). The showers are terrible! Honestly, there is so little water pressure that you basically double your shower time to enable you to clean yourself properly. Heaven forbid that you need to wash long hair. • Hills - we are by no means unfit, lacking in mobility or restricted in anyway regarding physical ability and fitness, but be prepared to be walking up and down hills throughout your stay here. The main restaurant is at the top of the hill, so you're walking up a long hill each and every time. There are gold buggies on site which ferry people around, and we did in fact use them a few times if they were available and there weren't others who would need them more than we would, so don't be afraid to ask them to take you up the hill if they're there. You get the views due to the hills, but you also get a good workout for the quads and calves 😁. • Food - the food in general was hit and miss in the main restaurant. We are here throughout our stay, whilst also using the snack bar a couple of times too. We found the breakfast spread to be really good and we all had plenty to choose from with no issues at all. Lunch was generally good too, with a few things being hit and miss, mainly fish dishes. Dinner was the same, a few days it was great, others not so good. We loved the grilled fish on the first day, but then on occasion it didn't look cooked at all, and this was a common theme throughout with certain foods. I would recommend checking the food on your plate before eating it as we found raw fish, pink chicken on skewers and a couple of other issues too. Myself and partner both ended up with upset stomachs twice during the stay, however, this being said, 90% of what we ate was good, and there was always LOTS of choice. The desserts were very good throughout. • Drinks - the fizzy soft drinks were ok, the soft juices I found to be to my taste so they were good. The alcoholic drinks were poor in all honesty, probably not helped by ok fizzy soft drinks as mixers. Generally I struggled to find anything I liked other than Whisky and Coke - I started to ask the bar staff to reduce the amount of Whisky they put in as I don't drink to get drunk, I enjoy a drink for the taste. The amount they put in all the drinks was excessive, but for some people this would be more than acceptable, this is just my preference. • Hotel layout - the layout is quite odd, challenging and frustrating. The main pool at the top of the hill is next to the main restaurant and also houses the pool bar. When the restaurant is closed between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can't get any snacks from the pool bar apart from a handful of sandwiches, tubs of chopped fruit or ice cream. When I say a handful, I mean 4 or 5 in a fridge, that's it. The pool bar serves all drinks, including coffee and iced coffee, however no milk alternatives. Konstantinos is a nice guy though, very attentive and a good bar man👍. The pool with the slides and splash park is all on its own with no provisions here at all, so you have to walk up to the main pool to eat lunch and get a cocktail if you want one, or down to the other pool where the snack bar is located. The pool where the snack bar is located doesn't serve any cocktails, only wine and beer along with soft drinks, so again, if you want a cocktail you have to go to the bar by the quiet pool which is just round the corner. The quiet pool houses a full bar which serves everything, cocktails, wine and beer as well as soft drinks, but again you can't get snacks here. With 4 separate pool areas, not one of them really fully caters for everything you should hope to be able to get for the whole day. You have to walk around the site to get what you need, which as I mentioned previously means contending with the hills during the hot sunny day. We found this to be really frustrating and not very well thought out. Generally the site being spread out means you get lots of lovely looking areas, but practically it has a detrimental effect throughout. • Pools - the water, especially in the main pool is absolutely freezing cold. Bear in mind it hit 30 degrees in October, so it was not cold, yet the water was freezing. Many other people said the same too. • Smells - as other reviews have stated, extreme sewerage smells can be smelled throughout the site (not constant at all) occasionally which can be really off-putting when you're walking up the hill to go for food. We didn't experience this in or anywhere near our room (2014) which we were thankful for. • Entertainment - we didn't use any of the entertainment facilities during the day and my children are happy to spend time with us using the slides, going for food and generally relaxing, so I can't comment on the day time entertainment at all. The evening entertainment was very hit and miss though. We appreciate that this is a family hotel, but I agree with other reviews regarding more adult based entertainment, or at least options for such. It is very geared towards kids, with a handful being geared for the family in general (acrobatics and magicians for example) so the evening times were lacking for us. The entertainment team work very hard to engage with everyone, and put together the shows which they perform, so as to not be over critical I would just say that based on my girls reactions, even they felt it a little lacking. It is all based in the Amphitheatre centered around a stage of an evening, but I really do think that they could offer alternative entertainment for families and adults who would like something more geared towards older children and adults alike. To summarise, this hotel is by no means a 'bad' hotel, with many people coming and enjoying their stay. There are definite points of contention with definite areas of improvement required, but overall, we did enjoy our holiday. Whether that is due to the fact that we are comfortable spending time together as a family and always have a good time regardless of where we are or what we are doing, or whether is was due to the hotel and holiday specifically, I'm unsure. Would we return? Unfortunately not. 5* views, 3* experience.


Měli jsme tu skvělou dovolenou, je to krásné. Dětský klub a zábavní tým byly fantastické. Jediným negativem je strmý kopec do restaurace, neumím si představit, že by to bylo s kočárkem snadné.


Dorazili jsme velmi pozdě, protože náš let byl zpožděn, ale měli jsme krásné přivítání a dokonce nám udělali pár rolí pro náš příjezd a naše případy byly vzaty do místnosti, pokoj byl bez poskvrny a postel velmi pohodlná, procházka do hlavní restaurace byl do kopce, ale oni mají golfové kočárky, aby vás tam, pokud je potřebujete, jídlo bylo krásné a bylo tam tolik možností a personál restaurace byl vždy tam, aby vám vše, co potřebujete, personál baru byli vynikající a byl tam velký výběr nápojů, personál tui na recepci byl velmi nápomocný při jakýchkoli otázkách, které jsme měli, zábava ve večerních hodinách byla zaměřena na děti, ale na tom nezáleželo, nejbližší město nebylo příliš daleko a snadno chůze, vše ve všem jsme měli krásnou dovolenou a velmi doporučujeme,

Lesley S

Zůstali jsme tady v září celý týden. Hotel je velmi čistý a personál je velmi přátelský a vynikající služby. Hotel má mnoho kroků do různých sekcí, např. Bazény, restaurace a bary. Hlavní bar je spíše jako kavárna a zábava je dobrá pro děti, ale ne pro dospělé

lynnette s

Tento hotel je úžasný! Sledoval datum změny, ale stojí za to čekat! Kapitán T a Bamse v obří apitheatre. Jídlo chutná tak dobře a pokoje jsou moderní, pláž není soukromá, jak zákon uvádí, že soukromé pláže nejsou povoleny v Řecku! Pokoje jsou tak čerstvé a jsou tak nové a moderní! Děkuji tui za to, že tento příjemný pobyt! ! Fotky z Facebooku


We've just returned from TUI Blue Elounda Breeze following a week long stay as a family of 4 (2 adults with a 10 and 15 year old). There are lots of points of reference to go over so I'll try to keep it as short as possible. I would also like to say that this review is purely based on our own experience and is an accurate and honest reflection of our holiday. The GOOD bits; • Location - beautiful location, hillside, coastal, beautiful views. • Weather - not hotel related, but it was lovely, warm and sunny with only a couple of overcast days towards the end of the week. • Beach - although not an actual beach, it is a short 5 minute walk down to the coast where you can swim and snorkel in the sea (will go in to more detail in another section). • Pool area with slides - very good fun for myself and the girls, we spent lots of time flying down the slides with lots of other people enjoying themselves too. • Pools - 4 separate areas to choose from, plenty of sunbeds to go around. The NOT SO GOOD bits; • Hotel - overall, having paid €70 euro climate tax for an official 5* rating, we do not feel that this is justified and reflected in the hotel and facilities themselves. The setting and grounds are lovely, but everything else in general was lacking. We agreed that this would be 3* at best. • Rooms - generally the room was functional, and spacious, but basic and 3* at best (please read the following) We arrived at around 2am to a room (1109) which was in very poor condition and gave a very poor first impression. There were very clear areas of damage and poor repair, with certain areas in the bathroom around the shower and shower tray being unsafe. The room in general was in poor condition, very basic and tatty looking. The blinds over the windows didn't sit flush due to the window handles, therefore lots of light entered underneath the blinds and make it difficult to sleep, especially when the sun comes up in the morning. We requested another room which was arranged for the following day (no problems there, the staff were attentive and helpful) so we had to spend another night in room 1109 before we could move. As we knew we would be moving, we didn't want to unpack to have to repack prior to the move, so we ended up living our of the suitcases for a couple of days - not a great start to the holiday. The replacement room was a massive improvement in terms of condition, with a better layout, much more natural light and overall in much better condition. In general, the rooms are pretty basic. The beds in the bedroom were lovely and comfortable, but the 'sofa beds' are appalling. They are rock hard and very uncomfortable, but they were the same in both rooms so would assume that this is a common theme throughout the hotel. The is plenty of wardrobe space which we found catered easily for all 4 of our clothes and other bits and bobs, with a dressing table and bedside tables in the bedroom too, so again, no issues there. The bathroom was very big with plenty of space with a very long sink counter and large long mirror, which meant a couple of people could use the mirror to get ready of an evening, however there was a tiny hairdryer which is connect to the wall with limited mobility (poor). There is also no full length mirror in the room which albeit not a deal breaker, comes in handy when getting dressed or before leaving the room to see what you look like (I travelled with 3 women / girls who all take pride in their appearance). The showers are terrible! Honestly, there is so little water pressure that you basically double your shower time to enable you to clean yourself properly. Heaven forbid that you need to wash long hair. • Hills - we are by no means unfit, lacking in mobility or restricted in anyway regarding physical ability and fitness, but be prepared to be walking up and down hills throughout your stay here. The main restaurant is at the top of the hill, so you're walking up a long hill each and every time. There are gold buggies on site which ferry people around, and we did in fact use them a few times if they were available and there weren't others who would need them more than we would, so don't be afraid to ask them to take you up the hill if they're there. You get the views due to the hills, but you also get a good workout for the quads and calves 😁. • Food - the food in general was hit and miss in the main restaurant. We are here throughout our stay, whilst also using the snack bar a couple of times too. We found the breakfast spread to be really good and we all had plenty to choose from with no issues at all. Lunch was generally good too, with a few things being hit and miss, mainly fish dishes. Dinner was the same, a few days it was great, others not so good. We loved the grilled fish on the first day, but then on occasion it didn't look cooked at all, and this was a common theme throughout with certain foods. I would recommend checking the food on your plate before eating it as we found raw fish, pink chicken on skewers and a couple of other issues too. Myself and partner both ended up with upset stomachs twice during the stay, however, this being said, 90% of what we ate was good, and there was always LOTS of choice. The desserts were very good throughout. • Drinks - the fizzy soft drinks were ok, the soft juices I found to be to my taste so they were good. The alcoholic drinks were poor in all honesty, probably not helped by ok fizzy soft drinks as mixers. Generally I struggled to find anything I liked other than Whisky and Coke - I started to ask the bar staff to reduce the amount of Whisky they put in as I don't drink to get drunk, I enjoy a drink for the taste. The amount they put in all the drinks was excessive, but for some people this would be more than acceptable, this is just my preference. • Hotel layout - the layout is quite odd, challenging and frustrating. The main pool at the top of the hill is next to the main restaurant and also houses the pool bar. When the restaurant is closed between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can't get any snacks from the pool bar apart from a handful of sandwiches, tubs of chopped fruit or ice cream. When I say a handful, I mean 4 or 5 in a fridge, that's it. The pool bar serves all drinks, including coffee and iced coffee, however no milk alternatives. Konstantinos is a nice guy though, very attentive and a good bar man👍. The pool with the slides and splash park is all on its own with no provisions here at all, so you have to walk up to the main pool to eat lunch and get a cocktail if you want one, or down to the other pool where the snack bar is located. The pool where the snack bar is located doesn't serve any cocktails, only wine and beer along with soft drinks, so again, if you want a cocktail you have to go to the bar by the quiet pool which is just round the corner. The quiet pool houses a full bar which serves everything, cocktails, wine and beer as well as soft drinks, but again you can't get snacks here. With 4 separate pool areas, not one of them really fully caters for everything you should hope to be able to get for the whole day. You have to walk around the site to get what you need, which as I mentioned previously means contending with the hills during the hot sunny day. We found this to be really frustrating and not very well thought out. Generally the site being spread out means you get lots of lovely looking areas, but practically it has a detrimental effect throughout. • Pools - the water, especially in the main pool is absolutely freezing cold. Bear in mind it hit 30 degrees in October, so it was not cold, yet the water was freezing. Many other people said the same too. • Smells - as other reviews have stated, extreme sewerage smells can be smelled throughout the site (not constant at all) occasionally which can be really off-putting when you're walking up the hill to go for food. We didn't experience this in or anywhere near our room (2014) which we were thankful for. • Entertainment - we didn't use any of the entertainment facilities during the day and my children are happy to spend time with us using the slides, going for food and generally relaxing, so I can't comment on the day time entertainment at all. The evening entertainment was very hit and miss though. We appreciate that this is a family hotel, but I agree with other reviews regarding more adult based entertainment, or at least options for such. It is very geared towards kids, with a handful being geared for the family in general (acrobatics and magicians for example) so the evening times were lacking for us. The entertainment team work very hard to engage with everyone, and put together the shows which they perform, so as to not be over critical I would just say that based on my girls reactions, even they felt it a little lacking. It is all based in the Amphitheatre centered around a stage of an evening, but I really do think that they could offer alternative entertainment for families and adults who would like something more geared towards older children and adults alike. To summarise, this hotel is by no means a 'bad' hotel, with many people coming and enjoying their stay. There are definite points of contention with definite areas of improvement required, but overall, we did enjoy our holiday. Whether that is due to the fact that we are comfortable spending time together as a family and always have a good time regardless of where we are or what we are doing, or whether is was due to the hotel and holiday specifically, I'm unsure. Would we return? Unfortunately not. 5* views, 3* experience.


Měli jsme tu skvělou dovolenou, je to krásné. Dětský klub a zábavní tým byly fantastické. Jediným negativem je strmý kopec do restaurace, neumím si představit, že by to bylo s kočárkem snadné.


TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze - informace

TUI BLUE Elounda Breeze Resort je 4hvězdičkový hotel v řeckém stylu. Skládá se z pokojů umístěných v hlavní hotelové budově nebo v přilehlých bungalovech a v nové části hotelu postavené v roce 2019, zasazené do barevných zahrad plných stromů. Všechny pokoje byly nedávno zrekonstruovány v moderním, veselém stylu. Součástí hotelu jsou tři bazény. Je to ideální místo pro rodinnou dovolenou. A přímořské letovisko Elounda, se nachází v klidné oblasti, asi 10 km od půvabného letoviska Agios Nikolaos a asi 70 km od letiště v Heraklionu.

Nejoblíbenější filtry:

  • Wi-Fi v hotelu zdarma
  • Wi-Fi zdarma
  • Dětské menu
  • TUI Service Center 24/7 + aplikacja TUI
  • Volba roku podle TripAdvisoru


  • přibližně 9 km od centra města
  • přibližně 300 m od pláže
  • doba jízdy z letiště přibližně 70 min.
World map
Průměrné hodnocení zákazníků:
Velmi dobrý
(421 hodnocení)
(421 hodnocení)
    Kvalita spánku
    Cena / kvalita
  • tonilas2020-01-08

    Měli jsme tu skvělou dovolenou, je to krásné. Dětský klub a zábavní tým byly fantastické. Jediným negativem je strmý kopec do restaurace, neumím si představit, že by to bylo s kočárkem snadné.

  • Lesley S2019-10-18

    Dorazili jsme velmi pozdě, protože náš let byl zpožděn, ale měli jsme krásné přivítání a dokonce nám udělali pár rolí pro náš příjezd a naše případy byly vzaty do místnosti, pokoj byl bez poskvrny a postel velmi pohodlná, procházka do hlavní restaurace byl do kopce, ale oni mají golfové kočárky, aby vás tam, pokud je potřebujete, jídlo bylo krásné a bylo tam tolik možností a personál restaurace byl vždy tam, aby vám vše, co potřebujete, personál baru byli vynikající a byl tam velký výběr nápojů, personál tui na recepci byl velmi nápomocný při jakýchkoli otázkách, které jsme měli, zábava ve večerních hodinách byla zaměřena na děti, ale na tom nezáleželo, nejbližší město nebylo příliš daleko a snadno chůze, vše ve všem jsme měli krásnou dovolenou a velmi doporučujeme,

  • lynnette s2019-10-18

    Zůstali jsme tady v září celý týden. Hotel je velmi čistý a personál je velmi přátelský a vynikající služby. Hotel má mnoho kroků do různých sekcí, např. Bazény, restaurace a bary. Hlavní bar je spíše jako kavárna a zábava je dobrá pro děti, ale ne pro dospělé

Přednosti hotelu

  • hotel doporučený pro rodiny s dětmi
  • komfortní pokoje

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